There are many different options for children with art programming. If you would like more information or would like me to visit your congregation as a Rabbi Artist in Residence please contact me directly.

  • PRAYER FLAGS: Based on the Tibetan prayer flags for protection. Students may draw on bit of cloth discussing the parasha, their wishes for a new school year, their hope for their sukkah, whatever prompt seems reasonable. I couple this project with  the Hashikeinu prayer. String the fabric with safety pins and ribbon and place above congregation or in sukkah to enliven the walls of the worship space.
This program requires a minimum of 45 minutes. It is possible with any age group. The cost per person is about $10.

  • MOLDABLE MIDRASH: Using crayola moldable magic clay (so that it is non-sticky and non-staining and quick drying!) ask children to "heat up" the clay with their hands. As they are working the clay, explain how the service has a built in warm up as well. As we begin to sing through the service together, allow the clay in your hands to take shape or not take shape, whatever feels right. With this clay, color may be added with markers or with found objects. It takes an hour to dry, without the warmth of our hands it will dry, just like without the sounds of our song our souls can feel empty. 
The timeline for this program could be anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. It can be applied to a Healing Service or a program for the Elderly as well. The cost per person is $10.