Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Art as a Spiritual Practice

There is no one way to pray or to connect spiritually or to find a sense of the Divine in another human being. For many people traditional prayer styles in synagogue, with song and prayer books work well to connect them spiritually. For others, synagogue walls may not inspire or aid their connection to a higher power. Some people feel like faith does not come easily to them. I believe that there are many access points into faith. However, we often dismiss those paths as "alternative" or "not Jewish enough". Sometimes, we dismiss our lack of connection because we believe that faith is something that should come easily. In this world, pain comes easily, brokenness comes easily. It is hope and faith that we have to work towards.
Through programs, exercises, and writing I offer individual and communal suggestions of some pathways that work towards faith, that transcend the confines that one might feel within a traditional prayer space. Naturally, what I offer here are tools for opening up heart and soul, the real work is up to you.

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