Naturally, I could fill this page with the multitude of options for visual art as prayer. Here are a few suggestions. If you are interested in more details or would like me to visit your congregation as a Rabbi Artist in Residence please contact me directly.


  • VISUAL SIDDUR: I am in the process of publishing a visual prayer book that aids the visual learner and those who struggle to express themselves through traditional modes of worship. The book offers visual prompts as well as verbal suggestions to help the individual uncover personal meanings behind every prayer. One example: For Barchu, the call to worship, literally translates as Blessed are you Adonai. The movement in synagogue associated with the Barchu requires the community to rise and face the ark. The verbal cue in my prayer book asks the reader to think of 3 things s/he stands for. The image that the artist may color-into is of an open ark with 3 large Torah scrolls. Other pages of the book are more esoteric, and leave more room for interpretation. For instance, at the beginning of silent prayer, the verbal cue asks, where do prayers go? The image is of a light path that ends in an open white page. Without this visual prayer book in front of you, you can still practice this same exercise. Pick a prayer whose tune, wording or movement is of interest to you, ask a question that allows you to enter into the prayer and create from there. Afterwards, the prayer will reveal a new set of meanings and associations that it did not carry before.